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Skidmore College


Career Development Center



Frequently Asked Questions


There are many different award opportunities that fall under the Summer Experience Fund umbrella. 除了较大的基金,涵盖所有领域的利益和 专业有几个具体的奖项:

  • 职业发展中心暑期机会补助金
  • Elizabeth M. Glotzbach Film Industry Award
  • 环境研究及科学奖
  • 盖尔残疾研究与服务家庭奖
  • 吉尔伯特家族捐赠艺术管理奖
  • Haley创业艺术家学徒奖
  • Jennifer Landers '90 Award
  • Ken Freirich ' 90社会企业家奖
  • 美国政府、政治莱文奖 & Law
  • MDOCS Award
  • McAdams Family Service Award
  • Reece Robinson '18 Endowed Award
  • SGA义工责任公民奖 & Community Service
  • Thorne Family Award
  • 视觉艺术创业奖
Please visit our Award Descriptions 有关上述奖项的更多详情,请参阅网页.


First-years, sophomores, and juniors must be currently enrolled in classes during the 2024 spring semester, will enroll in the 2024 fall semester and must be in good standing with Skidmore College. 


Graduating seniors (May 2024) can apply for the post-grad award with a separate application.


Yes, if current sophomores or juniors received a grant in a previous year, they can 第二次提交申请!  在…中获得奖励的高年级学生 过去可以提交研究生奖学金申请.  First-time applicants will be given first priority, and then students applying for the grant a second time. 


The Career Development Center Summer Opportunity Award is based on financial need.

Is there a minimum number of hours I need to complete over the summer to qualify?

Students must obtain a full-time summer internship minimum 30 hours per week for at least 7 weeks (total of 210 hours).  Students with confirmed full-time on-location and remote summer internships will be considered. 

An applicant cannot use multiple internship 提供以满足持续时间和小时的要求. 


No. If you receive any funding from any other Skidmore College Academic Departments/Programs or Administrative Offices including grants, scholarships, stipends, weekly pay in 2024年的夏天,你没有资格获得2024年的资助. 

Does my summer experience need to be unpaid in order to qualify for funding?

In order to be considered for funding, summer experiences must be unpaid or low paid; 从组织收到的任何付款必须少于$2,000 for the summer of 2024. 




不,SEF经验不需要获得学分. However, students interested in receiving credit for their summer internship can access the 实习学分建议表在线或直接咨询 学生教务处.


Yes, but international students should check with an International Student and Scholar Advisor in the
学生学术服务办公室 before applying to identify any requirements they need to meet to qualify for awards. In addition, international students should be aware that awards are subject to federal 学院在授予资金之前需要扣除的税款.

选择在美国工作的国际学生.S. over the summer are subject to tax implications. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系


你可以申请资助,但是,你必须审查学院的政策 Risk Assessment for Student's International Travel for 2023-2024 Academic Year.

How will I know if the experience I am applying for meets the criteria to receive an award?

The SEF application contains two short essay questions, which will determine if the 经验符合资格标准. 除了工作时间之外 完成后,资格取决于经验将如何:

  • 支持你的职业和/或学术目标
  • Provide you with skills and experience that will enhance your post-graduation opportunities
  • 让你接触到你想要进入的特定学科或行业

Students must have someone who has agreed to serve as their supervisor, for an experience to qualify for an award. 这个人会被要求核实学生的角色、进度 toward completing their hours midway through the summer, and completion of all hours at the end of the summer. 对于做独立项目的学生,这个人可以 成为火博体育的教职员工. 这个人不能是你的家庭成员.

Federal law requires payment of interns unless the internship satisfies criteria outlined by the U.S. Department of Labor.  火博体育学院无法确定是否有任何实习 符合劳工部的标准. 以帮助确保火博体育学生 are provided with beneficial internships, Skidmore requires all employers participating in the program to certify that they have reviewed and will abide by the Department 的劳工标准 FLSA.   

Are awards taxed?
Award recipients are considered independent contractors and will receive a 1099 form 说明他们的奖金数额,在明年年初支付. A copy of their 1099表格也被送到国税局. 受助人将负责支付收入 当他们提交纳税申报单时,还要缴纳社会保障税.
For international students, up to 30%, depending on your country of citizenship, will be deducted from their award payment for taxes, unless the United States has a treaty 与原籍国另有规定的协议. International students will receive Form 1042S.


是的,独立项目有资格获得资助. In addition to the Essay Responses and Supervisor Verification Form, applicants must complete a timeline of the project milestones; including dates, phase completions, and description of project deliverables. 在项目结束时,申请人将提交最终项目 summary and outcome.

Are there resources available to help me search for possible summer experiences? 
Yes! In addition to speaking with your faculty 和学术顾问讨论暑期机会, the Career Development Center has many resources to assist you in your search: 

  • Handshake 火博体育的实习和工作数据库有什么特色 several thousand current internships/research/volunteer experiences in all disciplines throughout the US and abroad.  
  • CEI Internships offer internship opportunities by industry and employer information through one easy search.  
  • Gale Research Centers Directory is a comprehensive guide to North America’s premier nonprofit research organizations. Information on each organization includes programs, staffing, and publications, as well as services of centers, laboratories, institutes, experiment stations, farms, research support facilities, technology transfer centers, think tanks, incubators, research parks, and more. 


开始寻找永远不会嫌早! 虽然夏天可能会有机会 that are not yet posted, you should be researching, networking, and applying as soon 作为一个有兴趣的机会被列出.


Yes, you can speak with a Career Advisor in the Career Development Center who can help you search for and connect with opportunities, while ensuring that your resume 求职信要写得很专业. 您可以安排一个虚拟约会 using Handshake

Application opens: 2月1日中午(美国东部时间中午12点)


  • 3月7日午夜(美国东部时间晚上11:59)
  • 4月11日午夜(美国东部时间晚上11:59)


Yes. Opportunities must be secured and you will need demonstrate proof upon application submission. 


  • Research and 提前抓住机会
  • Before applying have your experience secured and be prepared to give the following information: 
    • Name of organization
    • Organization website 
    • Address of organization 
    • Name of supervisor 
    • Supervisor email 
    • Supervisor phone number 
    • Supervisor job title 
    • Start and end date 
  • 请准备好上传以下两个问答题的答案: 

    Essay 1: In 250 words or less, describe your responsibilities and how your proposed summer experience relates to your post-graduation goal and/or career exploration goals.

    Essay 2: In 250 words or less, describe the skills you will gain from your proposed summer experience. 请包括至少三个NACE职业准备能力. For definitions of these competencies and examples, please review the following:

  • Be prepared to upload the Supervisor Verification Form when completing your application. 

Note: Please see Application page for detailed instructions on how and where to upload forms.